Intrism Laser Cut Puzzles Are Made In America & Are Changing The Puzzle Industry
Intrism Laser Cut Puzzles Are Made In America & Are Changing The Puzzle Industry
These days, it seems like everything is made overseas. But there are still some products that are proudly made in the USA - including laser cut wood puzzles! In fact, the puzzle industry has seen a resurgence in recent years, thanks in part to a renewed interest in quality craftsmanship. Several companies have cropped up that are dedicated to making high-quality puzzles right here on American soil, Intrism being one of them. And we’re not just your run-of-the-mill jigsaw puzzles, either. We are pushing the boundaries of what a laser cut wood puzzle can be, and as a result, the puzzle industry is being completely transformed.
So, what are some of these newfangled 3D laser cut wooden puzzles that are made in America that are taking the industry by storm? They are the world's first DIY 3D wooden marble mazes. But…
Why did we choose to make laser cut wood puzzles in America?
We believe that to build a people focused company, it is important to build our products where we want to build our company. We could have saved money by manufacturing our products overseas, but that would have far too many consequences for us. We chose Columbus, Ohio for our puzzle manufacturing shop due to the high quality and quantity of talent in the area, and availability of all the components needed to make great wooden laser cut puzzles.With everything we do under one roof it’s far easier for us to maximize our product quality, production efficiency, and speed of innovation. This isn't just about American pride for us. It's about bringing manufacturing back home and employing Americans who are invested in helping an American owned company succeed.
Not only are Intrism puzzles made in the United States, but we also source (the best) materials locally.
Intrism wooden laser cut puzzles are manufactured using the highest quality materials available. We don’t just claim that, we’ve bought and tested all kinds of variations of wood and acrylic to make sure it’s the best. We’re also committed to sourcing as much as we can locally - almost everything we buy and use to make our puzzles is sourced right from Columbus within 20 miles of us. This helps to support the local economy, reduces our logistics carbon footprint, and allows us to work with our vendors more closely.Whether you're looking for a new way to relax or you're trying to improve your problem-solving skills, these American-made puzzles are sure to offer an enjoyable experience. So, next time you're in the market for a laser cut puzzle, be sure to remember Intrism - you won't be disappointed!